We stopped at Borgo for a break to find a huge market in full swing in the middle of the old town where we had a wander round and a quick snack.
We then carried on to Tezze where there was a campsite marked on the map we picked up at last nights campsite, however when we asked at the bici grill, (a snack bar for cyclists along the route ) we found that it didn't exist although they offered to let us set up our tent in the neighbouring field. We decided to carry on to the next campsite at Arsie which involved a bit of a climb up from Primolano past an old fort which had obviously seen some action.
Arsie is a bit quiet apart from the occasional rustle of tumbleweed, although it is in a picturesque setting by the lake. We now have two days to get to Venice but haven't quite worked out the route yet or where we plan to stop tomorrow night as there don't seem to be many campsites from here on. Our plan is to find the tourist information office in Bassano del Grappo tomorrow and take it from there.
Today's miles 40
Total miles 1090
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